Legal Advice
Token Sport S.A.S. is the developer, legally and legally responsible for the Token Sport App product, the collection, storage and distribution of user data, the trading of products and services provided by the application and owner of the ens tokensport.eth, its assets and derivative contracts. Token Sport S.A.S is responsible for all Token Sport code and repositories. All information and repositories remain private and under the responsibility of Token Sport S.A.S., with exclusive access to its board of directors. Once the first stage is completed, the DAO will decide on the publication and access to the general public. STAGE ONE Token Sport S.A.S has the governance and administration of the tokens created under the tokensport.eth contract that will be used for the development of the first minimum viable product, marketing campaigns and the conformation of the initial team. Once the testing and improvement stage of the first expansion of Token Sport is completed (12 months), the DAO will be created, where the members will be able to elect the board of directors of Token Sport S.A.S, being the board of directors of Token Sport S.A.S responsible for the majority of the governance of Token Sport, as well as the administration and sale of products and services, the distribution of API licenses, official licenses and Token Sport franchises. Once the DAO is developed, the first stage will be closed and its members will be responsible for making decisions about Token Sport S.A.S. and its developments.
Token Sport S.A.S. is responsible for the development of the Token Sport application and the sale of products and services, governed under terms and conditions required by international Copyright and Trademark laws, Colombian regulations for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism, the Colombian Chamber of Commerce (CCC) and the National Tax and Customs Directorate (DIAN). The research and new technologies department of Token Sport S.A.S., as well as the creation and distribution of tokens ERC-20, ERC-1238, ERC-721, ERC-1155 and their updates. The decisions taken by the DAO will initiate the development of the DEX (Decentralized Exchange) managed by Token Sport S.A.S. and governed by the DAO.
Last updated